This is a live preview!

Just click on different anims block

which includes both anims combination and runs by a click.

The target elem here is the blue box.

Works in every browser:


Appear in a element!

fadeIn rollIn slitIn parosIn presentIn slideIn tiltIn swingIn flickerIn bounceIn scaleIn rotateIn presIn

Disappear a element!

rotateOut bounceOut rollOut slitOut parosOut presentOut slideOut tiltOut swingOut flickerOut scaleOut presOut


Slide up & down a element.

Slide up by 50px Slide down by 50px Slide up by 50% Slide down by 50%

Slide left & right a element.

Slide left by 50px Slide right by 50px Slide left by 50% Slide right by 50%

Motionia.js at a glance!

Easy to integrate.

With the help of a line you can easily animate a elems and even its attributes..

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Json formatting

Supports Json-formatting 

for easy and supper fast integration

saves lots of time..

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Thousands of possibilities

Its totally depends upon

your imagination visit the docs below for more.

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